Advaita Vedanta Retreats

Advaita Vedanta Retreats in Somerset UK

Vedantarama  holds residential spiritual retreats  each year at the Ammerdown Estate near Bath, Somerset UK. We have skill in delivering profound, meaningful and high quality retreat experiences.

Advaita Vedanta Retreat Dates 2024:

Autumn: Friday 18th – Sunday 20th October.   Full.

Advaita Vedanta Retreat Dates 2025:

Autumn: Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th October.

2024 Cost: £436 for full board, ensuite single rooms, payable in instalments as needed



The venue

Ammerdown is in the Somerset countryside near Bath UK. The retreat centre is  part of an 18th Century country estate in a beautiful spacious and peaceful setting. See video. It is a very conducive venue for sharing in the potent spiritual radiance of the Advaita Vedanta teachings. Accommodation is all ensuite single rooms. Vegetarian and Vegan food is served in the dining hall

The Advaita Vedanta teaching

Advaita Vedanta is the timeless non-duality wisdom of the Upanishads. The teachings describes who you are, what this is and the nature of reality.

The purpose of retreat is to take time out from routine activities and be in auspicious company. This gives you the opportunity to focus fully on the teachings. Receiving such spiritual direction in a live setting through an accomplished teacher brings Advaita fully alive. The benefits are expanded insight, peace, happiness and a renewed spiritual security. It is this security and its clarity  that the seeker seeks. 

The retreat programme

Twelve guided sessions across three days unfold the sparkling, mature vision of Vedanta and its realisation.  Vichara meditation is directed, mantras from the Vedas and other sources are performed.  Silence is in place throughout the weekend, creating undisturbed quietness for absorbing the impact of the teachings. A Q&A session concludes the programme. Plenty of free time is included for you to roam in the gardens and grounds or to rest.

The teacher

The weekend is led by Derek Thorne, an accomplished and influential teacher. Fully grounded in this knowledge he leads the Vedantarama community, supporting individuals toward awakening and Self-realisation in everyday life

Audio from previous retreats

Who should Attend?

An Advaita Vedanta retreat is for spiritual seekers from any background in life who feel drawn to these timeless  teachings. You may be well developed in your understanding and seek further clarity to resolve doubts. You may have some experience in which you are developing. You may have  little experience but feel a compelling desire to be in these  spiritual energies. The teachings are conveyed so that they speak to all with poignancy and meaning. Some background in meditation, previous spiritual investigation and the capacity to practice silence is expected.


Enquire about availability and request a place by using the contact us form.  We will then make arrangements for you