Vedanta Prakriya – Spiritual Awakening
The Vedanta Prakriya are the spiritual awakening teachings of Vedantarama. Awakening means coming to know my true inner nature and for that to express ever more freely in this life. Awakening responds to three principal questions:
Who am I?
What is this life?
What is God?
The term prakriya means method or process. Our teacher created these 12 original and progressive teachings of awakening to express the core Vedanta knowledge in a sequence of steps. These are freely available to members of Vedantarama. Beyond this prakriya a second series of 12 advanced teachings are also in place for members through the Advaita Prakriya teachings on Self-realisation.
The spiritual awakening teachings are presented as audio recordings capturing the live sessions given by Derek to a group of students. They include the discourses themselves and the subsequent spiritual conversations that occurred. The recordings are rich and energetic resources to study the powerful reassuring beauty of Vedanta.
All the teachings linked below are password protected for Vedantarama members only. See here for information on membership
Vedanta Prakriya
Twelve teachings on the nature of experience
Chapter | Title | Vedanta | Content |
One | Nature of creation | Brahman | What is this existence |
Two | Nature of consciousness | Atman | What is living in me |
Three | Nature of experience | Anitya | What is my stability |
Four | Nature of body | Kosha | What is my structure |
Five | Nature of mind | Antakarana | Where and what is mind |
Six | Nature of circumstance | Karma | Where have I come from |
Seven | Nature of action | Guna | Who acts, is there free will |
Eight | Nature of place | Taijasa | Is this a dream |
Nine | Nature of perceiving | Sakshi | What is real |
Ten | Nature of love | Ananda | Where is happiness |
Eleven | Nature of divinity | Ishvara | Where is the divine |
Twelve | Nature of application | Dharma | What is my purpose |
Studying the teachings
To study these prakriya chapters is to engage in Jnana meaning the assimlation of knowledge. Assimilation is an active word. The information is not a passive story it is an invitation to engage. This means listen with care and intelligence to what is said and listen multiple times. Identify the core components for yourself, the things that fascinate, perplex or intrigue you. Make some private notes and actively work with the information reflecting on the implication and meaning. keep it in your mind as you go about life and view the world from this position. There will be questions and doubts. These must be identified and solutions to them found either in yourself, in the sources of vedanta, by discussing them with like-minded people or by contacting teachers. Read supporting vedanta material and enhance all the above with meditation positive life habits and general spiritual practices. This is Jnana. This is vedanta prakriya. This is spiritual awakening
The vedanta prakriya audio recordings
Vedanta Prakriya 1
The nature of creation
Recorded April 2022
Vedanta Prakriya 2
The nature of consciousness
Recorded July 2022
Vedanta Prakriya 3
The nature of experience
Recorded September 2022
Vedanta Prakriya 4
The nature of body
Recorded December 2022
Vedanta Prakriya 5
The nature of mind
Recorded April 2023
Vedanta Prakriya 6
The nature of circumstance
Recorded July 2023
Vedanta Prakriya 7
The nature of action
Recorded September 2023
Vedanta Prakriya 8
The nature of place
Recorded December 2023
Vedanta Prakriya 9
The nature of perceiving
Recorded April 2024
Vedanta Prakriya 10
The nature of Love
Recorded July 2024
Vedanta Prakriya 11
The nature of divinity
Recorded October 2024
Vedanta Prakriya 12
The nature of application
Recorded December 2024