Advaita Vedanta Satsang

Meet the teacher, hear the teachings and experience the powerful spiritual impact of Advaita Vedanta.

‘The Mystery of Perception’

‘From the unreal to the real. What am I and what is all this?’ 

Saturday 28th September 2024 10am-1pm
Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre 14 Trinity St Dorchester DT11TU

What is real?
This life is beautiful, inspiring and also challenging and mysterious. Every moment I experience myself and a physical world around me. Is reality all this that I see and feel, or is something else going on? How can I look more deeply into the hidden nature of the mystery and what will I find?

Vedanta is a powerful and time tested spiritual wisdom, offering inspired answers to these profound and exciting questions.

For those who are motivated to deepen their spiritual vision, experience and understanding, this is a life-enhancing opportunity.

Derek Thorne is a renowned Advaita Vedanta teacher. Deeply established in the Vedanta vision, he leads the Vedantarama spiritual community and is an inspiring and influential speaker.

During the session Derek will give teachings on ‘The Mystery of Perception’. The morning will include discourse, some chanting from the Vedas, meditation and a question and answer session.

Booking: Contact Nancy
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: Marj- 07747429559

Cost: £30  Pre-booking necessary.