A Practice Book for Beginners

Dear spiritual seeker

I wrote this book in 2005 following the fruition of my own accelerated phase of personal change and spiritual growth. I wrote it from my own direct experience and observations as a teacher. The content speaks directly to the seeker who may have an attraction to spiritual awakening but little confidence on how to organise their approach. Atma Vichara in the title means self enquiry.

  • Perhaps you are inspired by Ramana or  Vedanta
  • Perhaps you want to meditate on Self-enquiry
  • Perhaps you have a background in yoga or similar and want to extend your spiritual understanding 
  • Perhaps you want to deepen your spiritual connection with the mystery and divinity of life
  • Perhaps you want to answer the question ‘Who am I?’

Elsewhwere on this site there is teaching for the experienced, and advanced Advaita Vedanta. This book is not that.  It is instead for those who feel they are stepping out and want to gain an accessible foothold on the path. To that endeavour this book offers support.

x Derek


The Truth of Reality

Nature – What it is
Time – How it appears
Mind – What it does
Seeking – The spiritual urge
Circumstance – where you find yourself

The  Truth of Identity

Where is experience?
What is acting?
Who am I?
Sadhana – spiritual practice

The  Practice 

Commentary on the Vichara ( Self-enquiry) practice
Commentary on life-style
Difficulties in sadhana
Living a spiritual life
Finding support

Annexes and further  context

The book is on sale for £6 plus postage and packing

If you would like a copy contact us